Monday 4 January 2016

What are the best websites for Java Projects with source code for CSE Students?

 For a Core Java Developer , Questions around following topics should be good.

  • OOPs Concepts
  • Abstract Classes and Interfaces
  • Constructors
  • Overloading and Overriding
  • File IO and Serialization
  • Collections - List , Map , Set - Search, Sorting Algorithms
  • Access Specifiers
  • Exceptions - Checked , Unchecked
  • Generics
  • Java Keywords - static , final , volatile, synchronized , transient, this , super etc.
  • JVM and Memory Management
  • MultiThreading and Synchronization
  • HashCode and Equals
  • Design Patterns
  • Dependency Injection
  • Reflection API

  • Java 8 features - Lambda Expressions , Default Methods.

Here is a list of 200+ questions on Core Java - Java - Interview Questions and Answers - Quick Reference - One Liners.

If Someone is being hired for a Network / Distributed Application, Following questions can be asked

  • Communication Protocols like IP, HTTP, TCP, FTP,UDP
  • Synchronous vs Asynchronus Communication
  • Sockets
  • Technologies like RMI, RCP
  • Message Queues
  • Interface APIs - JMS, JDBC
  • ORMs - EJB ( Session Beans , Entity beans, MDB's ),  Hibernate

If someone has to work on a Java based web application then he can be asked questions around following topics -

  • JSP / JSF 
  • Servlets / filters / Interceptors
  • Session Management / Transaction Management
  • JNDI
  • Architectures - n Tier, MVC 
  • Web Frameworks like Struts / Spring
  • Service Oriented Architecture / Web Services - SOAP / Rest
  • Web Technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript and JQuery
  • Markup Languages like XML and JSON.
  • Application and Web Servers
  • Caching
  • Cloud service (AWS, SoftLayer, BlueMix)

If someone has to work on Java UI, then questions around following can be expected -

  • Applets
  • Frameworks like Swing, SWT, AWT
  • Advanced Frameworks like JavaFX

Every Developer is expected to have knowledge regarding the Data structures. If you are applying positions for a product / system development companies, lot stress will be given to these Questions.

  • Arrays , Linked List
  • Search Algorithm and their complexity
  • Sorting Algorithms and their complexity
  • Trees , Graphs

Every Java Developer is expected to have Database Knowledge so questions around following concepts can be asked

  • Database Drivers
  • Normalization / Denormalization
  • Isolation Levels
  • Transaction Management
  • SQL Tuning / Optimization
  • SQL Queries - Inner Outer Joins, Group By , Having
  • Prepared Statement and their benefit.
  • Indices , Views
  • Stored Procedures
  • Triggers
  • Cursors

Moreover questions around Tools, Methodologies, Processes can be asked -

  • Development Tools - Eclipse / RAD
  • Design Tools and Diagrams
  • Configuration Management Tools like SVN, Clearcase etc
  • Defect Management
  • Build Tools like Maven, Ant etc
  • Testing - Unit Testing, JUnit , Black box , White Box
  • Development Methodologies - Agile / Waterfall / Iterative
  • Requirement Analysis
  • Release Management

and then Interviewer can also ask open ended questions.

  • Which feature would you most like to see added to Java?
  • Which feature would you most like to be removed from Java?
  • Have you gone through some of the features introduced with latest Java version ?
  • Do you think removing Perm gen completely in Java 8 is a good idea ?

  • How would you go about debugging an exception ?
  • How does Java differ from other programming languages you've worked with?
  • How do you document your code ?
  • If you are given a choice to implement something using javascript or Java ? Which technology will you use and why ?
  • What Design Patterns you have used in your project ?
  • Which Web application Framework  - Struts, Spring do you like and Why ?
  • Which IDE, Source Control,Build tool you think is best ?
  • Which development methodology you would like to work with ?
  • Do you think using open source servers like Apache , Tomcat is a better idea than paid servers ?
  • Which testing tools do you use ?
  • What are the most important performance issues in Java web applications
  • What are the most important technologies / specifications in Java EE 6?
  • Do you like pair programming ? What's your views on Agile methodology comparing to SDLC ?

Here are few links that might help.

200+ Java / J2EE Interview Questions and Answers

Java - Advanced Interview Questions for Experienced Professionals

Struts Framework - Interview Questions and Answers

Spring framework - Interview Questions and Answers

Hibernate - Interview Questions and Answers - Quick Reference

WAS / WSAD / RAD - Interview Questions and Answers

SVN ( subversion ) Interview Questions and Answers

Interview Questions and Answers on Maven

SVN ( subversion ) Interview Questions and Answers

Interview Questions and Answers on JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)

REST Web Services - Interview Questions and Answers

Java - SWT ( Standard Widget Toolkit ) / JFACE - Interview Questions and Answers

JavaScript interview questions and answers

Interview Questions and Answers on Markup Languages - XML , JSON

Interview Questions and Answers

Online Practice Tests - Java , Spring , Struts , Unix , Design Pattern , Websphere Commerce

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