Monday 17 August 2015

20+ Cool Terminal Commands to have fun with Ubuntu.


Cowsay is a fun command with which your input text is displayed by a cow (ASCII art generated) or any other animal of your wish.
Install cowsay with the command,
sudo apt-get install cowsay
Various cowsay commands you can try are,

cowsay message


cowsay -f sheep message


cowsay -l



xcowsay is a command with which your input text is displayed by a graphical cow.
Install cowsay with the command,
sudo apt-get install xcowsay
Let us see some xcowsay commands,
xcowsay message




This command displays a cat(Tom) which will hunt your mouse pointer (Jerry) all over the screen.
To install oneko,
sudo apt-get install oneko
Run it using,
To quit press ctrl+c.



Star Wars

Ever wanted to see how star wars will be when it was made using ASCII art???
To view it,



ASCII aquarium

View a ASCII generated aquarium in your terminal.
Before viewing ASCII aquarium 2 things are needed, firstly Install perl module named Term-Animation, follow steps in order:
sudo apt-get install libcurses-perl
cd /tmp
tar -zxvf Term-Animation-2.4.tar.gz
cd Term-Animation-2.4/
perl Makefile.PL && make && make test
sudo make install

Now install ASCII with the following steps,
cd /tmp
tar -zxvf asciiquarium.tar.gz
cd asciiquarium_1.0/
sudo cp asciiquarium /usr/local/bin

Run ASCII aquarium with,


perl /usr/local/bin/asciiquarium

ASCII animation
Want to see how visualization will be in terminal?? then follow the simple steps
Install using,
sudo apt-get install bb

Run using the command,
To enable music press y else press n.
Press 8 to continue or press displayed nos to enable or disable the option.




Everyone knew about ls which is obviously used to display contents of folder. When you mistyped as sl , what will be the result, ever wondered?? sl basically generates a ASCII art train.
Install sl using,
sudo apt-get install sl
Run using,





aafire displays a ASCII art fireplace at your terminal.
Install aafire using,
sudo apt-get install aafire
Run aafire using,






Factor is a simple command line utility with which you can get the prime factors of any number you give as input.
To find the factor of any number,
factor number
example: factor 55


If you are ever fascinated in creating ASCII art of any text then you might want to try this command.
Install figlet using,
sudo apt-get install figlet
Run the command using,

figlet text




Need nice quotes for fowarding to your friends or tweeting them ?? well fortune command can come in handy.
Install fortune using,
sudo apt-get install fortune
Run fortune using,




Have you ever counted how many commands and how many times you’ve used them?? Hash command stores all that information and you can access them with single command.
Just run the command,



Hello is a simple command with which you can display hello text in your terminal along with your own message.
You can try different commands like,
hello -n
hello –greeting=GNU/Linux




You would feel bored to use the long commands which makes you so lazy to use them and you would’ve wondered if there are any alternatives. There comes the alias command for the aid.
Alias is a command with which you can create aliases for your favorite commands.
To list any existing aliases,
To create a new alias,
alias aliasname='command'
for example, alias vmsecho='echo'

Press Enter.
Run the command for verification,
vmsecho hello
To remove an alias,
unalias aliasname
for example, unalias vmsecho



Rev is a simple command which reverses the text which you give as input.
Run rev using,
Press Enter.
Then enter the text and press enter to get the reversed text.

Date & Cal


Date and cal commands displays the current date,time and the calender.
Run using,


Yes is a command which displays a given text in an infinite loop.
Run using the command,
yes text
For example:


CMatrix lets you to see matrix film like screensavers in your terminal.
Install cmatrix using,
sudo apt-get install cmatrix
Run using,
cmatrix –help, for more options


Combinational Commands:


So far we have seen commands like cowsay, xcowsay, fortune, figlet, yes, factor, date&cal etc., but these commands can be combined to produce different effects.
Some the combinations are,

xcowsay “$(factor 55)”



cowsay “$(factor 55)”


cowsay “$(fortune -a)”

xcowsay “$(fortune -s)”



cowsay “$(date)”
xcowsay “$(date)”



fortune | cowsay


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